• Banervillita 65
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La Villita / Rice factory of Nayarit
We are committed to offering products with the highest quality.

We work with high standards to harvest the perfect foods.

Our products have optimum grade, we have developed a friendlier image for our customers, with a fresh approach similar to our products. Mainly a more modern image design that will help us appeal to future generations, this tool will inspire our team to keep harvesting the perfect food.

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arroz integral

A TASTE to enjoy with our FAMILY


If you wish, you can fry your Villita rice before boiling, it will not become sticky or thick. Just follow these instructions.


Pour 2 1/2 cups of water in a pot, 2 spoonfuls of oil or butter and salt (Or boullion) as you want, bring to a boil.


When the water BOILS add a cup of Villita rice, cover and cook in low heat for around 20 minutes until the liquid evaporates.

Receta Arroz Alamexicana
Receta Arroz Conleche
Receta Arroz Risoto